In New York, on May 10 at 12:45 pm ET, Julie Divola, along with Glenn Dance (Holthouse Carlin & Van Trigt LLP) and Clifford Warren (Internal Revenue Service), will present, "Compensatory Interests and Other Arrangements," and on June 7 in San Francisco, Julie, Glenn and Didi Borden (Deloitte Tax LLP) will deliver the presentation at 12:45 pm PT.

This session will focus on compensation and compensation-related issues, including compensatory options and profits interests. After completing this session, participants will be able to:
  • Recognize a profits interest
  • Describe the tax consequences of receiving a capital or profits interest in a partnership in exchange for services
  • Understand the Section 1061 provisions that apply to certain carried interests

This three-day symposium is being held in-person and virtually.

For more information and to register, please see the New York event page and San Francisco event page.

Pillsbury Panelist

Additional Panelists

Glenn Dance, Partner, Holthouse, Carlin, Van Trigt (HCVT) LLP
Clifford Warren, Senior Attorney, Internal Revenue Service
Didi Borden, Tax Partner, Deloitte Tax LLP
