In November 2016, Pillsbury teamed up with Thomson Reuters and FireEye to help corporations manage cybersecurity compliance and concerns in the face of new regulations. By combining technical assessments, legal managed services and legal counsel, this program provides a multi-pronged, holistic method for cybersecurity due diligence and risk assessment that helps clients meet a variety of internal, external and regulatory standards.

According to ABA Journal, the collaboration also helps organizations to deftly maneuver the New York Department of Financial Services’ most current regulations. Under these regulations, written cybersecurity plans and annual risk assessments are a requirement for third-party vendors, a group of organizations that includes law firms.

Programs that provide these services often can’t be used for the legal industry, says ABA Journal, and Pillsbury, Thomson Reuters and FireEye are “jumping in to fill the gap” by becoming a “one-stop shop for law firms in cyber-risk.”