The modern family office is different from the small and discreet affairs of the last century. Now, U.S. and Latin American family offices are actively engaged in various aspects of the economy, regularly participating in sophisticated, direct private equity transactions and other actively managed investments. High-profile family offices, such that those who serve first-generation wealth creators, are regularly in the news and engaged in blockbuster transactions. Simply put, family offices are major players in the modern U.S. and Latin American economy.

Please join Joshua as he co-chairs this event for the 3rd year. Here you will learn to address how legal and tax professions should approach modern family offices and their role in the modern economy. This panel will discuss the tax and non-tax aspects of:

  • Family offices as direct investors in businesses and emerging companies
  • Family offices as investors in funds
  • Family offices as an employer
  • Family offices as drivers of philanthropy

For more information and to register, please visit the ABA event page.

Pillsbury Co-Chair

Co-Chair/Additional Panelists

Pedro Ramírez, Turanzas, Bravo & Ambrosi, Mexico City

Carolina Cañón, Cañón Thompson, Bogotá Sebastián Guerrero, Guerrero Garcés, Santiago

Corina Laudato, Mitrani Caballero & Ruiz Moreno, Buenos Aires

Rodrigo Rincón Fernández, Acadia Capital, Monterrey

John J. Ryan, Jr., President, CISA Trust, Geneva


American Bar Association