Transparency, career development, community and flexibility are key to ensuring a happy and productive staff, particularly as the coronavirus pandemic continues to upend traditional work, according to Law360's most recent Lawyer Satisfaction Survey.

With more than 1,200 attorneys participating in the survey, Pillsbury ranked 7th among all firms based on average attorney satisfaction levels for compensation, billable hours, collegiality, job advancement opportunities and the job overall.

Pillsbury tries to have a “two-way communication” between firm leadership and employees, using surveys to give them “the voice and feeling like they've been heard,” according to Chief Human Resources Officer Kathleen Pearson.

Firmwide Managing Partner Ed Perron added: “Pillsbury has always had a culture that tries to ensure that our people understand what the thinking of the law firm is, what the strategy of the firm is, what the direction of it is, so that people can kind of get behind that common purpose.”

Click here to read more about the Law360 Lawyer Satisfaction Survey.