In keeping with the firm’s commitment as a signatory of the ABA’s ambitious Well-Being Pledge, Pillsbury representatives took part in a February 22 kick-off event that looked at ways to incorporate the campaign into the culture of each organization.  The program emphasized ways to help legal employers foster healthy work environments and affirmatively support professionals dealing with substance use and/or mental health issues.

According to the American Psychological Association, lawyers are 3.6 times more likely to be depressed than non-lawyers. To address the profession’s troubling rates of alcohol and other substance-use disorders, as well as mental health problems, the ABA Working Group to Advance Well-Being in the Legal Profession organized the Well-Being Pledge to encourage law firms to do all they can to reduce the stigma associated with—and adopt education programs about—these issues.

To date, a total of 73 firms have signed on to the campaign,  which first launched in late 2018. Pillsbury was among the earliest supporters of the program.

For more information about the ABA’s Well-Being Pledge, click here.