Following previous legislative struggles and the call to raise the debt ceiling, an executive order may be the only way the Trump administration can get the ball rolling on infrastructure improvement projects, one of the cornerstones of his 2016 presidential campaign. According to Pillsbury partner Nicolai Sarad, the president could use an executive order to call for changes in things like Department of Transportation initiatives and bridge safety to introduce “smaller but positive steps.”

However, real estate news outlet GlobeSt reports that states have more control over infrastructure projects than the federal government, and Sarad agrees that whatever happens in relation to infrastructure investment will be done regardless of federal input.

The use of public-private partnerships (P3s) would facilitate the initiation and continuous development of an infrastructure program in the U.S., Sarad told GlobeSt, and federal support of P3s would prevent states from having to provide all of the funding to cover the related expenses.

“I was pleased to see Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao come out strongly in favor of P3s,” he said. “P3s help take a lot of the pressure off states by making the private sector bear the big risks — including risks of cost overruns.”

Read more about the possible options for infrastructure improvements in GlobeSt.