The Mexican energy reform presents new opportunities and challenges for renewable energy. While Mexico has a goal to obtain 35% of its power from clean energy, that term is broader than renewable energy and there are no set-asides as of yet for renewable energy. On the other hand, projects which applied for generating permits prior to the effective date of the reform retain certain advantages. Moreover, the reforms open the market for generators to supply eligible customers and establishes CENACE as an independent system operator, wholesale market operator, and transmission planner. The new guidelines for clean energy certificates are a major incentive for renewables, although load serving entities will not be required to obtain those certificates until 2018. The reforms also provide incentives for distributed renewable generation.

The panel will address the following topics:

  • What entities are eligible to obtain clean energy certificates and how are they earned?
  • What entities are required to obtain clean energy certifications and how is the requirement determined?
  • How will the market for clean energy certificates work?
  • How does the energy bank and postage stamp transmission work and will new generators be able to take advantage of them?
  • What are the opportunities for renewable generation to contract directly with customers?
  • How will remote renewable generators gain access to transmission?

Please join us for an enlightening discussion by some of the most distinguished legal experts in the field.

