Representative Experience

  • International Trade Agreement Disputes
    • Pillsbury has extensive experience with government-to-government dispute settlement proceedings conducted under international trade agreements. Our attorneys acted as counsel to the Government of Israel in the first dispute settlement proceeding conducted under a U.S. free trade agreement: In the Matter of Machine Tools from Israel (Pursuant to the United States-Israel Free Trade Agreement) (1990). We were counsel to Mexico in the two NAFTA cases it initiated against the United States: In The Matter Of The U.S. Safeguard Action Taken On Broom Corn Brooms From Mexico (USA-97-2008-01) (Jan. 30, 1998), and In the Matter of Cross-Border Trucking Services and Investment (USA-98-2008-01) (Feb. 6, 2001)

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We have extensive experience with WTO dispute settlement. We have assisted Mexico with respect to the following WTO disputes:

  • United States – Measure Concerning the Importation, Marketing, and Sale of Tuna and Tuna Products
  • United States – Certain Country of Origin Labelling (COOL) Requirements
  • Mexico – Tax Measures On Soft Drinks And Other Beverages
  • Mexico – Measures Affecting Telecommunications Services
  • Mexico – Anti-Dumping Investigation of High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) from the United States
  • Mexico – Customs Valuation of Imports, United States – Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000
  • One of our attorneys assisted India with the dispute India – Measures Concerning the Importation of Certain Agricultural Products.
  • International Investment Disputes Experience

  • As U.S. counsel to Mexico, Pillsbury has assisted in the defense of many investment arbitrations initiated against Mexico under the NAFTA’s investment chapter and bilateral investment treaties. Completed cases in which we have been involved include:

    • Robert Azinian and Others v. United Mexican States (Case No. ARB(AF)/97/2) (NAFTA)
    • Metalclad Corporation v. United Mexican States (Case No. ARB(AF)/97/1) (NAFTA)
    • Waste Management, Inc. v. United Mexican States (Waste Management I) (Case No. ARB(AF)/98/2) (NAFTA)
    • Marvin Feldman Karpa v. United Mexican States (Case No. ARB(AF)/99/1) (NAFTA)
    • Técnicas Medioambientales Tecmed, S.A. v. United Mexican States (Case No. ARB(AF)/00/2) (Mexico – Spain Bilateral Investment Treaty)
    • Waste Management, Inc. v. United Mexican States (Waste Management II) Case No. ARB(AF)/00/3) (NAFTA)
    • Fireman's Fund Insurance Company v. United Mexican States (Case No. ARB(AF)/02/1) (NAFTA)
    • GAMI Investments, Inc. v. United Mexican States (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, administered by ICSID) (NAFTA)
    • International Thunderbird Corporation v. United Mexican States (UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules, administered by ICSID) (NAFTA)
    • Corn Products International, Inc. v. United Mexican States (Case No. ARB(AF)/04/1) (NAFTA)
    • Gemplus, S.A., SLP, S.A. and Gemplus Industrial, S.A. de C.V. v. United Mexican States (Case No. ARB(AF)/04/3) (Mexico – France Bilateral Investment Treaty)
    • Talsud, S.A. v. United Mexican States (Case No. ARB(AF)/04/4) (Mexico – Argentina Bilateral Investment Treaty)
    • Archer Daniels Midland Company and Tate & Lyle Ingredients Americas, Inc. v. United Mexican States (Case No. ARB(AF)/04/5) (NAFTA)
    • Bayview Irrigation District and others v. United Mexican States (Case No. ARB(AF)/05/1) (NAFTA)
    • Cargill, Incorporated v. United Mexican States (Case No. ARB(AF)/05/2) (NAFTA)
    • Abengoa v. United Mexican States (Case No. ARB(AF)/09/2 (Mexico - Spain Bilateral Investment Treaty)
    • KBR v. United Mexican States (Case No. UNCT/14/1) (NAFTA)
  • One of our partners represented the claimant in Ethyl Corporation v. Canada (NAFTA), an arbitration conducted under the UNCITRAL rules.

Practice Area Highlights

  • Pillsbury’s International Trade practice is nationally ranked by Chambers USA and internationally recognized by Chambers Global for our Export Controls & Economic Sanctions, CFIUS, and Trade Remedies & Trade Policy work.
  • Pillsbury received U.S. News/Best Lawyers recognition for International Trade & Finance.
  • Recognized in 2024 by The Legal 500 U.S. for the breadth of our International Trade capabilities across three categories: CFIUS; Customs, Export Controls and Economic Sanctions; and Trade Remedies and Trade Policy.